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Grants & Feed in Tariffs

 The UK 'Feed-in Tariff' is a government backed policy to encourage the uptake of renewable energy in the UK.

The Tariff comes into effect on the 1st of April 2010, although installations completed between July 2009 and the start of the scheme will also qualify for the incentives.

Instead of providing a grant to help you buy a solar system, the 'Feed-in Tariff' rewards you for the amount of energy you generate, regardless of whether you consume the electricity or not. The scheme also provides an additional payment for any electricity you export.

Under the Feed-in Tariff, an average home in the UK, with a 2.4kWp (17M2) system installed can earn around £1000 a year generating and exporting its own solar electricity. You can also save around £130 a year on your electricity bill.

More Information

Energy Savings Trust (Information on Feed In Tariffs)

Feed in tariffs  explained